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Do you have a passion for leading young people into encounters? Answer the call today and sign up for the Core Team Mission!

Missions. Because there is always a reason to serve.

Be not afraid.

What is a Team Leader?

Mercy Missions Atlanta Team Leaders are bold young adults who are formed to lead missionaries into the streets of Atlanta to meet those in need with meaningful and profound encounters.

Core Team Mission

August 17th | 9:30a - 3:00p

  • All college students and young adults are invited to attend for FREE

  • Learn how you can answer the call and make a difference in missions

  • Open invite to all to experience mission work in Downtown Atlanta


What does it take to be a Team Leader?

Team Leaders are committed, driven, and bold young adults seeking to be Christ's hands and feet on the streets of Atlanta by guiding young people to encounter those in the most need. These young people should be actively seeking a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and have a passion for spreading the faith. Joining the Mercy Missions Atlanta team is a commitment to attending the majority of missions listed on the annual calendar including monthly missions, Advent missions, Holy Week missions, and Summer missions. 

Want to learn more about becoming a Mercy Missions Atlanta Team Leader? Contact our team at

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